Pet Pet that's very me..Straying pet..tied to the neck..still wandering in the sea.Floating deep into the waters,but still can breath...can sip the air with my narrow straw,can eat the flesh raw.
But when it comes to night....i face one fight...with Mr Right...
At last i have to turn around and pave my way to my holy ground..where lies my wrecked ship,waitin for its captain...waiting to be ruled by this very pet...A pet who guards the wheat,saving the sun from the heat.
When the pet is not around the ship is very sound,but when he is back all he sees is black.
The black which absorbs him into it,and the pet is lost,what he had dreamed is washed off..
The day was best,when the pet was unrest..he wandered and saw the rainbow,but night comes and pulls him back with neck..neck noosed with a chain...
A chain with all the strength..a chain that gave birth to this very pet...a chain that was very invented to pull things back...a chain whose every link says the same...
"come back and live on the plain"
Alas the pet is back in the night,to analyze
"what if he would not have rolled back again"...
The day that promised freedom,who itself have to surrender to this night..the day who was dependent on sun,where everybody had fun..but every dependent had to zero someday...
when his sources are strayin away !!
At last i have to turn around and pave my way to my holy ground..where lies my wrecked ship,waitin for its captain...waiting to be ruled by this very pet...A pet who guards the wheat,saving the sun from the heat.
When the pet is not around the ship is very sound,but when he is back all he sees is black.
The black which absorbs him into it,and the pet is lost,what he had dreamed is washed off..
The day was best,when the pet was unrest..he wandered and saw the rainbow,but night comes and pulls him back with neck..neck noosed with a chain...
A chain with all the strength..a chain that gave birth to this very pet...a chain that was very invented to pull things back...a chain whose every link says the same...
"come back and live on the plain"
Alas the pet is back in the night,to analyze
"what if he would not have rolled back again"...
The day that promised freedom,who itself have to surrender to this night..the day who was dependent on sun,where everybody had fun..but every dependent had to zero someday...
when his sources are strayin away !!